Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer 09 part 1

So I've been out of school for about three weeks now, and I've been pretty busy with work, skating, and shooting for the UBF photo deadline. And I just got back this morning from a pretty event full Cali trip but that definitely deserves its own blog.

Anyways, I've been doing of photo work with UBF lately, met most of they're team and became good friends with the owners and the riders. I've been with a lot of the guys 90% of the time since school got out. I've shot a lot of photos but I can only post some since a lot of them are being used for mags and UBF ad's.

Dustin Cutlip
Eric Dutton
Cody Curtis
Eric Hill
Andrew Crawford

I'm making my Cali blog right after I post this for look out for that.

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