Saturday, May 29, 2010


So today I finally got a chance to go out and skate all day. It was nice. Andrew, Mike T, Tyler, Joey and I went out and shreded up Scottsdale. Peep the photos.

Andrew Crawford
Andrew Crawford
Front blunt

Andrew Crawford
Andrew Crawford

Little Joey did a nice feeble too

Oh yeah. I graduated high school on Thursday!!! Summer 2010! Here comes college woohoooo

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Finally shot a photo

I've been super busy these last three weekends. I went to Prom on May 1st and was took h'd over to skate on Sunday then last Thursday night my friend was in a car accident and died three days later from his injury's. I posted a blog about on Sunday if you wanna know more about it.

Anyways, I finally went out and skated today with Andrew and got this photo. I need to get back into shooting photos all the time again.

Andrew Crawford

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Rest In Peace Cody

On Thursday night, one of my friends from my freshman year was in a car accident. He got hit by a drunk driver who was going 100mph. He was on life support until Saturday night when his family decided to take him off and let him pass. The drunk driver walked away with a broken nose. Let this be a reminder to everyone that driving under the influence is never okay, it can kill.

Rest in peace Cody Bishop 5-9-10
