Sunday, February 8, 2009


I was supposed to be in Cali this weekend but the weather looked like crap so I decided not to go since i'm going in March anyways. So I just chilled this weekend, on Friday I went to Pecos with Britt, Eric O, Eric D, Dane, Stephen, Nick, ZakZakZak, Caleb and others, and shot some photos.

Eric O
Eric O
Ollie to fakieeeee

Dane Federer
Dane has been getting better at crails and he started throwing them on bigger stuff
Crail on the Pecos extension.

After Pecos we went to Chandler and I got better at Back Tails on the little pymind thing. After Chandler me, Eric O and Britt went to the Weigele's and chilled with Dane, Davie, Lizze and Kiersten.

We didn't end up leaving their house until like 12:30, and I needed to take Britt and Eric O to Stephen's house and we had to stop by Calebs, so I didn't get home until like 1:30, and I almost died driving on the 101 because I was so close to falling asleep.

On Saturday I just worked, chilled and skated for a bit until I went to the Bible Study at the Weigele's, chilled for a little bit after, then I went to Pecos and saw Caleb, Sam and everyone, then I went home and worked then went to bed.

Now its Sunday morning and its raining, awesome, so we aren't going to Tucson and now i'm just chillin about to got to Filly B's then going to work, then going to Church and some point of the night go take pictures of the light rail for yearbook, so overall the weekend was okay.

My birthday is on Friday and i'm not to sure what i'm doing for it, my mom won't be home from Texas until Sunday since she's at her Dad's funeral. But I know i'm going to Tucson next weekend and its a three day weekend so i'm pumped for it.

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